
WCET Computation

Reconstruction of the Control Flow from Binary Programs

   The starting point of our analysis framework is a binary program and additional user-provided information about numbers of loop iterations, upper bounds for recursion, etc.

   In the first step a parser reads the compiler output and reconstructs the control flow. This requires some knowledge about the underlying hardware, e.g., which instructions represent branches or calls. The reconstructed control flow is annotated with the information needed by subsequent analyses and then translated into CRL (Control Flow Representation Language, a human-readable intermediate format designed to simplify analyses and optimizations at the executable/assembly level). This annotated control flow graph serves as the input for micro­architecture analyses.

Value Analysis

   The value analysis determines ranges for values in registers and by this it can resolve indirect accesses to memory.

Cache Analysis

   The cache analysis classifies the accesses to main memory, i.e. whether or not the needed data resides in the cache. The categorization of memory references and memory blocks is described in the table below.

Category Abbr. Meaning
always hit ah The memory reference will always result in a cache hit.
always miss am The memory reference will always result in a cache miss.
persistent ps The referenced memory block will be loaded at most once.
not classified nc The memory reference could not be classified as ah, am, or ps.

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Last modified on 19 February 2011. © 2002–2011 AbsInt.
URL: http://www.timing-validation.com/wcet/section2.htm